Name: Madison Tasker
Mentor: Dan Lorenzen
Location: The Pharmacy at The Longstreet Clinic in Gainesville, GA

Thank you!

Mrs. Killingsworth,

I have already printed off my thank you note and I am planning to bring it to our meeting this week.

Click here to view my thank you note.


From my mentorship, I gained experience in the realm of a pharmacy and what a pharmaceutical environment is like. I gained communication skills by interacting with other interns, employees, and customers. Through my mentorship, I realized that the pharmacy is not where I want to spend the rest of my life, meaning that I want to go farther into the medical world. I took the action of trying my best while interning at the pharmacy. I put effort into learning the different types of medicines, how to fill prescriptions, and how to check people out. I worked hard at my mentorship, and by doing that, I learned a lot about medicine and prescriptions.

My mentorship helped prepare me for the future by (1) increasing my communication skills, (2) being somewhat like a first job to me meaning that I now have an internship to add to any job resume, (3) showing me to avoid a pharmaceutical pathway in college and go farther into medicine. The pharmacy let me know what it is like to work as well as what it is like to work in a professional setting. Rather than being employed at a fast food restaurant where the setting is less professional, I gained experience in a more grown-up setting where work was more serious. This prepared me for future jobs more so than a normal teenage job would have.

After mentoring at the pharmacy since the end of August, I am overwhelmingly bored with counting pills, bottling pills, and checking people out. I realize now that I do not want to study to be a pharmacist. I would rather be a physician (possibly) so that everyday is partially a mystery to be solved rather than a repetitive lifestyle. For students who plan to participate in the Honors Mentorship Program in the near future, I suggest that you take the opportunity seriously and respect it completely. Respect your mentor for his or her success and for allowing you to come forth and observe him or her. Do not expect to be put on a pedestal; work hard to make your mark at your mentorship.

Pharmacists: The Job Description via
The infographic above neatly describes what a pharmacist typically does and how much money the pharmacist makes annually. By doing this, the infographic informs people about pharmacists and what they truly do at their job. This infographic is not mine; I do not own it. Its source is cited below.

Rinsema, Kate. "Pharmacists: The Job Description." Web. 27 Apr. 2015. This website provides infographics relating to how to become a pharmacist, the increasing use of pharmaceutical drugs, and the basic job description of a pharmacist, which is the particular infographic I featured on my blog.

3/16 Assignment

By watching the WellCast video about public speaking, I learned that the essence of my performance in my presentation all goes back to three main things: The Three P's. By preparing myself for the presentation, I will already know exactly what I want to say to my audience. By controlling my position and posture throughout the presentation, I will not look discouraged or timid; I will look confident in what I'm saying. By pandering my audience, I will keep them interested in my topic and the information I share with them. I plan on following the guidelines of The Three P's. By doing this, my presentation will be well-developed and clean cut for my audience.

I want to appear confident when presenting to the audience attending my presentation of my final project for the Honors Mentorship Program. WellCast's video will help me do just this. It will also help me improve my overall public speaking techniques with its easy-to-remember tips and tricks which keep me looking spiffy and keep the audience on edge. I plan to fully take advantage of this video regarding public speaking and apply its techniques to myself, particularly in my Honors Mentorship Presentation. I will remember The Three P's and be successful and confident.

Video Link

3/2 Assignment

1. Career Path: In order to pursue a career as a pharmacist, I would first have to attend undergraduate school. A full bachelor's degree is not required to enter all pharmacy schools, but it is suggested. Two years of undergrad school is required for entry. After most likely getting a full bachelor's degree, I would need to be accepted into and attend pharmaceutical school. In order to be accepted, I would need to sign up for and pass the PCAT (Pharmacy College Admission Test). In order to receive the title of a pharmacist, which is technically Pharm.D, I would need to attend Pharmacy College for four successful years in order to graduate with my degree. In order to become a licensed pharmacist, I would have to pass the NAPLEX (North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination) and the MPJE (Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Exam) for most states.

2. Tasks: I enjoy learning about the medicines and what they do. For example, when I fill prescriptions, I like to know why it is prescribed and how it will help the patient. Side effects of medicine also interest me. In terms of completing tasks at the pharmacy, filling prescriptions on the computer is the most fulfilling, because it took me a while to learn how to do it.

2/23 Assignment

The required work is published on my project's website.

2/2 Assignment

This week, I plan on putting all of my sources together and starting my interactive PowerPoint for my final project. I also plan on creating corresponding handouts/brochures for those who are interested in my topic and want to learn more. After doing all of this, I plan to save my PowerPoint as a video with a documentary-type narrative guiding its direction toward informing others about prescription drug abuse. This way, anyone anywhere can watch the video/presentation at ease.

1/26 Assignment

Click HERE to view my final annotated bibliography for my credible source (

1/20 Assignment

Click HERE to view my graphic organizer, which was made using THIS credible source.